jueves, 30 de diciembre de 2010


Colaboración: Daniel Rodríguez Torrens

*Walmart in Carolina, Puerto Rico broke the selling records of all
Walmart stores. 

*Puerto Rico is the country with the most cars per square mile in the
·         That's 146 vehicles per street mile and 4,300 vehicles per square mile.

* Plaza Las Americas mall in San Juan is the most profitable mall per
square foot in the world.

*The highest grossing Borders book store in US territory is located
in Plaza Las Americas Mall, in San Juan, Puerto Rico.

*Busiest Toys "R" Us in the world is also in Plaza Las Americas, Puerto

*The highest grossing Sears store in the World is in Puerto Rico.

*The highest selling Kmart in the US is in San Juan, Puerto Rico.

*The Radio Shack store in Plaza Las Americas mall is the busiest and
highest grossing Radio Shack in the world.

*The largest JC Penney store in the world (a full 4 stories) is located
at Plaza Las Americas mall, in Puerto Rico.

*The Port of San Juan is the fourth busiest seaport in the Western

*San Juan is the oldest city in US territory (Older than the city of St.
Augustine, FL) and was founded in 1508 by Juan Ponce de Leon.

*Piña Colada was "born" in PR in 1954.

*The legal drinking age is 18.

* Puerto Rico has won the Miss Universe pageant a record five times

*Puerto Rico has the only rain forest in the US- El Yunque.

*The place in the world with more pharmaceutical companies per square mile is Puerto Rico.

 *There are about 1,100 people per square mile, a ratio higher than
within any of the 50 states in the United States. Puerto Rico's
population density per square miles is among the world's highest - only
Bangladesh, The Maldives, Barbados, Taiwan, South Korea and the
city-states of Hong Kong and Singapore are more crowded.

 *Puerto Rico is the third country in the world with more physicians in
proportion to its population.

*The Camuy river in Puerto Rico is among the top three longest
underground rivers in the world.

*Puerto Rico has one of the highest rates of alcohol consumption in the

*The longest pool in the world is located in a hotel in Dorado, PR.

*It is estimated that there is more Nickel in the mountains of Puerto
Rico than the whole United States, including Alaska and Hawaii.

*There are more Puerto Ricans living in the rest of the United
States than in the island of Puerto Rico itself.

*La Fortaleza in San Juan is the oldest executive mansion in the New

*The state of Florida was discovered by Puerto Rico's first governor,
Don Juan Ponce de Leon.

*The first shot fired by the United States in World War I was by Lt. Teofilo Marxuach from Puerto Rico.

 *86% of the rum drunk in the U.S. is from Puerto Rico.

*Puerto Rico has one of the world's highest productivity ratios.

 *The world's highest concentrations of bioluminescent waters are in
Puerto Rico.

 *Coffee grown and brewed in Puerto Rico is the official coffee of the

*Puerto Rico ranks 6th in the world when it comes to college graduates.

*Puerto Ricans are the only people in the world who regularly applaud
when a plane lands and when it reaches the gate.

*Puerto Rico has more Gas Stations, Churches, Cars, Roads, and
 Walgreens per square mile than any other country in the world.

*World biggest and largest single dish radio telescope is in Arecibo, Puerto Rico 
·         *Telemundo, the second largest Spanish language television station in
the United States, was founded in Puerto Rico.

 *Puerto Rico has more rivers per square mile than any other place in the world.

 *The second radio station to be inaugurated in the US was in PR.

*The longest running TV program was in Puerto Rico.

*The first Emmy went to a Puerto Rican... Jose Ferrer. 
He also got the Academy award for the same role.

 * Rita Moreno got those two and one for Best Actress in a Broadway
show.  No one else has matched that.

 *The most outstanding soldier in Europe at the end of the Second WW was chosen from the Puerto Rican 65th Infantry.

 *One of the three still living WWI veterans is a Puerto Rican.

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